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Efficacy & Engagement - User Acquisition Report
Measure campaign exposure and spend against mobile app installations to understand the impact a campaign has on driving mobile app downloads.
Efficacy & Engagement - User Acquisition Snapshot
The two rectangular boxes display the metadata of the report, while the individual metric widgets provide topline KPI performance summary data.
In addition to core ad log data like Gross Impressions, there are also mobile app installation lift metrics that demonstrate how well the campaign drove mobile app adoption during the KPI Date Range.
Efficacy & Engagement - User Acquisition Over Time
The time series acquisition graph is a three axes line and bar chart that trends one campaign metric by two mobile app installation metrics for the given campaign and KPI Date Range. Trend campaign impressions and spend against app installations for both exposed devices, as well as all US devices. Correlate changes in campaign data to upticks in app installation lift to understand the full ROI at any point during the campaign. The Exposed Installation Rate is the quick way to understand app installation lift at any point during the campaign.
The campaign data will always display on the left hand axis and be represented by yellow bars, while the installation data will always display on the right hand axes, in the order selected, and be represented by blue and green lines. All chart axes are pegged to the same starting position of zero, but are otherwise scaled relative to the data they represent. A legend below the chart helps identify the data by color and shape. All changes to the graph are executed in real time.
When the report is run for a date range that is outside of the active campaign period, some mobile app specific metrics will still populate, but campaign data will not be available.
Efficacy & Engagement - User Acquisition Info Table
All data points from the time series trend graph are available for review and export via the Info Table. The table does not display all possible report data at the same time, rather the data displayed is tied to the drop down selections made in the time series graph above.
There are two options for downloading data: (1) Export only the data displayed in the table or (2) Export all data available in the report regardless of which data is selected for display in the table.
Efficacy & Engagement - Exposed Engagement Report
Measures the behavior of current app owners to see if exposure to a campaign had an impact on increasing their usage of the app.
Efficacy & Engagement - Exposed Engagement Snapshot
The two rectangular boxes display the metadata of the report, while the individual metric widgets provide topline KPI performance summary data.
In addition to total impressions served and ad spend, there is also app engagement lift in the form of active devices and app dwell time that demonstrate how well the campaign drove mobile app engagement during the KPI Date Range.
Efficacy & Engagement - Exposed Engagement Over Time
The time series engagement graph is a three axes line and bar chart that trends one campaign metric by two mobile app engagement metrics for the given campaign and KPI Date Range. Trend campaign impressions and spend against different forms of mobile app engagement, for both exposed devices as well as all US devices. Correlate changes in campaign data to increases in active device counts and time spent in-app, to better understand campaign performance in the full marketing funnel. The Re-Engagement Rates offer an easy way to track how well the campaign has re-activated dormant mobile app owners.
The campaign data will always display on the left hand axis and be represented by yellow bars, while the installation data will always display on the right hand axes, in the order selected, and be represented by blue and green lines. All chart axes are pegged to the same starting position of zero, but are otherwise scaled relative to the data they represent. A legend below the chart helps identify the data by color and shape. All changes to the graph are executed in real time.
When the report is run for a date range that is outside of the active campaign period, some mobile app specific metrics will still populate, but campaign data will not be available.
Efficacy & Engagement - Exposed Engagement Info Table
All data points from the time series trend graph are available for review and export via the Info Table. The table does not display all possible report data at the same time, rather the data displayed is tied to the drop down selections made in the time series graph above.
There are two options for downloading data: (1) Export only the data displayed in the table or (2) Export all data available in the report regardless of which data is selected for display in the table.
Efficacy & Engagement - Exposed Growth Report
Compare mobile app installation and retention among both exposed and unexposed device groups to understand how campaign exposure drives growth in mobile app adoption.
Efficacy & Engagement - Exposed Growth Snapshot
The two rectangular boxes display the metadata of the report, while the individual metric widgets provide topline performance summary data.
In addition to core ad log data like Gross Impressions and Spend, there are also mobile app growth metrics that demonstrate how well the campaign drove mobile app adoption and retention during the KPI Date Range.
Efficacy & Engagement - Exposed Growth Over Time
The time series graph trends different flavors of mobile app Growth to help show the effects of a campaign beyond the upper funnel, and demonstrate how campaign exposure is driving mobile app retention.
Discover whether the app is retaining all of those exposed installs, or whether the exposed installing devices churned before becoming regularly active mobile app users.
When the report is run for a date range that is outside of the active campaign period, some mobile app specific metrics will still populate, but campaign data will not be available.
Efficacy & Engagement - Exposed Growth Info Table
All data points from the time series trend graph are available for review and export via the Info Table. The table does not display all possible report data at the same time, rather the data displayed is tied to the drop down selections made in the time series graph above.
There are two options for downloading data: (1) Export only the data displayed in the table or (2) Export all data available in the report regardless of which data is selected for display in the table.
Reach & Response - Target Acquisition Report
Compare mobile app installation among different audience segments to determine which set of audience attributes drove the highest rates of mobile app install lift.
Reach & Response - Target Acquisition Performance Analysis
Examine the mobile app installation rates for the portion of an audience segment exposed to the campaign, and the portion that was not exposed.
The Response Rate is a fast way to find performant audience segments so that receptive audiences can be re-targeted, and campaign impressions aren’t spent on audience segments that aren’t converting.
Reach & Response - Reach + Frequency Report
Measure reach and impressions by ad exposure frequency, overlayed with mobile app installation and engagement KPI metrics, to identify the point at which a campaign has maximized its effectiveness.
Reach & Response - Reach + Frequency Snapshot
The two rectangular boxes display the metadata of the report, while the individual metric widgets provide topline performance summary data.
In addition to core ad log data like Gross Impressions and Spend, there are also mobile app installation and engagement metrics that demonstrate how well the campaign drove mobile app adoption and retention during the KPI Date Range.
Reach & Response - Reach + Frequency Performance Analysis
The ad exposure frequency graph buckets campaign and KPI metrics by the number of ad exposures a device was served from the campaign. The report pulls data for the entire campaign date range; from first impression served to most recent impression served.
Determine the optimal frequency for any given campaign and KPI metric to ensure that future campaigns serve the optimal number of impressions.
Reach & Response - Reach + Frequency Info Table
All data points from the time series trend graph are available for review and export via the Info Table. The table does not display all possible report data at the same time, rather the data displayed is tied to the drop down selections made in the time series graph above.
There are two options for downloading data: (1) Export only the data displayed in the table or (2) Export all data available in the report regardless of which data is selected for display in the table.
Updated almost 2 years ago